- [KITE-292] - NPE when writing an entity to HBase with an incompatible schema
- [KITE-359] - Hive URIs do not allow external tables on the local FS
- [KITE-363] - Hadoop 1 dependency modules interfere with release process
- [KITE-379] - Tests generating derby db in git tracked location
- [KITE-383] - Upgrade kite-morphlines-saxon module from Saxon-HE-9.5.1-4 to Saxon-HE-9.5.1-5
- [KITE-387] - Javadoc jar is not currently published
- [KITE-394] - dataset csv-schema has a double negative command option
New Feature
- [KITE-396] - Add readBlob morphline command that converts an InputStream to a byte array in main memory
- [KITE-397] - Add openHdfsFile morphline command that opens an HDFS file for read and returns a corresponding Java InputStream
- [KITE-253] - data-shell hangs
- [KITE-320] - Move MetadataProvider to the SPI package
- [KITE-334] - Deprecate and remove kite tools
- [KITE-349] - Add Schema and validation to Constraints
- [KITE-377] - Remove classes and methods deprecated in 0.12.0
- [KITE-381] - Reviewing Javadoc for data-core package
- [KITE-388] - Move filesystem package into SPI
- [KITE-390] - Don't publish CLI javadoc
- [KITE-316] - Implement a mechanism to serialize views
- [KITE-331] - Flume DatasetSink should support user impersonation
- [KITE-376] - Add CSVInputFormat for CSV support
- [KITE-384] - Add Dataset CLI
- [KITE-386] - Add a Hadoop 2 profile
- [KITE-389] - Run Hadoop 2 tests against default artifacts
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