- [KITE-674] - DatasetDescriptor.checkPartitionStrategy should throw ValidationException
- [KITE-892] - Remove DatasetWriter#flush and #sync
- [KITE-901] - CLI Update -h has typo in example
- [KITE-908] - Fix View#delete for unpartitioned datasets
- [KITE-909] - Morphlines Solr modules do not work on Java 6
- [KITE-922] - CSV and JSON file readers cannot use InputStream constructor
- [KITE-923] - JSON conversion missing fields cause NullPointerException
- [KITE-924] - Removing a partition from dataset should update the hive metastore
- [KITE-927] - Reading a dataset using Crunch with old schema causes failure
- [KITE-929] - Kite CLI show command expects generic records
- [KITE-933] - Remove kite-data-hcatalog artifact.
- [KITE-934] - Fix Hive update to prefer schema URLs
- [KITE-935] - Fix TestLog4jConfigurationCommand
- [KITE-937] - Findbugs error in java8
- [KITE-338] - Flume and Datasets integration
New Feature
- [KITE-917] - Expose avro schema merge functionality to command line tool
- [KITE-932] - Add support for child documents to loadSolr morphline command
- [KITE-333] - Define spec for PartitionStrategy serialization and parsing
- [KITE-914] - Remove methods deprecated in 0.18.0
- [KITE-931] - Release Kite 1.0.0
- [KITE-696] - Store Avro schema in HDFS by default for Hive datasets
- [KITE-894] - add discussion of repository URIs to URIs.md
- [KITE-342] - Add configuration and serialization format for PartitionStrategy
- [KITE-356] - Add POJO tests for filesystem datasets
- [KITE-368] - Update partitioning support for POJOs
- [KITE-446] - Add a "provided" partitioner.
- [KITE-458] - Support Hive datasets in CrunchDatasets#asSource
- [KITE-865] - Revise Kite-Data-Module-Overview
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