- [KITE-473] - csv-schema: Illegal character in header caught by Avro with unhelpful message before it reaches Kite
- [KITE-550] - Kite does not compile against Hive 0.13.0
- [KITE-557] - Kite tools has the wrong variable names for some plugin versions
- [KITE-560] - Default javaVersion should be 1.7
- [KITE-567] - Make integration tests more agnostic to cluster environment
- [KITE-568] - Remove use of DatasetRepository from the examples
- [KITE-570] - cvs-import is repeated twice in the example in the CLI guide
- [KITE-571] - Check URI#relativize() for empty URIs before constructing Path objects
- [KITE-572] - MapReduce should not write to a non-empty dataset or view
- [KITE-573] - Document view URIs
- [KITE-576] - Crunch HCatalog tests fail when run against Hive 0.13
- [KITE-577] - Optionally use Hive's native Parquet support
- [KITE-579] - Update maven plugin to use Dataset URIs
- [KITE-583] - Refining a view that includes an identity-based partition incorrectly filters all results
- [KITE-591] - parquet.hive.serde.ParquetHiveSerDe is deprecated
- [KITE-593] - Update dataset-staging example with API changes
- [KITE-595] - Add a note to the JSON example that it requires CDH5
- [KITE-599] - Fix missing @since tags
- [KITE-335] - Crunch support for Datasets
- [KITE-336] - Finish Views API
- [KITE-515] - Expose Kite datasets as Spark RDDs
- [KITE-549] - Create a Kite-based ETL tool
New Feature
- [KITE-203] - Support sync in DatasetWriter
- [KITE-578] - Add a generic settings Map<String,Object> to the MorphlineContext
- [KITE-35] - Add documentation explaining schema evolution
- [KITE-464] - Document reasons for using Avro format versus Parquet format
- [KITE-479] - Add a CDH 5 kite-app-parent POM
- [KITE-519] - Switch Travis builds to Oracle JDK7
- [KITE-531] - Remove classes and methods deprecated in 0.15.0
- [KITE-545] - Document dataset URIs and their use with the dataset API
- [KITE-551] - Use Hive's public API for metastore operations
- [KITE-552] - Move the contributor guide to the wiki and expand it
- [KITE-565] - Expose parquet writer options as properties
- [KITE-580] - Expose partition methods on CrunchDatasets
- [KITE-597] - Release 0.16.0
- [KITE-489] - Move DatasetRepository to SPI
- [KITE-501] - View URIs
- [KITE-526] - Include CLI version information in --help
- [KITE-546] - Create a Java Spark example that reads from/writes to Kite datasets
- [KITE-566] - Add dataset info command
- [KITE-585] - Deploy Source and JavaDoc Jars to Maven Central
- [KITE-241] - Document contract for restricted writes in views
- [KITE-347] - Implement DatasetTarget#handleExisting and WriteMode support
- [KITE-539] - Convert demo example to use views
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