- [KITE-518] - Consolidate and replace use of PropertyDescriptor
- [KITE-556] - Reader schemas derived from reflect types should allow nulls
- [KITE-584] - View#deleteAll rejects partition constraints
- [KITE-589] - Test examples on a CDH5 VM
- [KITE-590] - Examples should have a profile that sets Hadoop configuration based on HADOOP_CONF_DIR
- [KITE-594] - Document durability guarantees
- [KITE-600] - Sporadic DatasetNotFoundException
- [KITE-601] - Fixe spark example link in 0.16.0 release notes
- [KITE-633] - Allow external Hive URIs to use any dataset name or namespace
- [KITE-635] - Document example of schema evolution
- [KITE-639] - Impala requires fully-qualified FS URIs for Avro tables
- [KITE-640] - Log deprecation warning if dataset name contains "."
- [KITE-642] - CDH5 build profile is broken
- [KITE-643] - Document using Kite with Maven
- [KITE-647] - Switch examples to use DatasetSink and Flume's log4j appender
- [KITE-650] - FS datasets replace '.' with '/' in dataset name to location mapping.
- [KITE-651] - Hive implementation should fail by default when it connects to a local metastore.
- [KITE-652] - DatasetKeyOutputFormat: getLocation() will be override unexpectedly
- [KITE-654] - Compression type and column mapping info get lost after DatasetDescriptor copy
- [KITE-655] - Support webhdfs dataset URIs
- [KITE-656] - Fix examples to work with QuickStart VM 5.1
- [KITE-657] - Schema URI call to makeQualified incorrectly copies authority
- [KITE-659] - Logic for allow local metastore is wrong
- [KITE-663] - Old serde Parquet tables are no longer recognized by Kite
- [KITE-664] - View URI is invalid if constraint value contains reserved/encoded characters
- [KITE-665] - Moving URIBuilder breaks downstream Flume
- [KITE-666] - Hive tests sometimes fail with ConnectionExceptions
- [KITE-667] - HDFS configuration is not initialized
- [KITE-668] - Update maven plugin to use DefaultConfiguration rather than SPI builders
- [KITE-669] - Update integration tests to use CDH5
- [KITE-670] - Rename dataset CLI tool to "kite-dataset"
- [KITE-679] - Add a Kite mini cluster
- [KITE-684] - kite-dataset help doesn't print the actual command used
- [KITE-686] - Include fix for AVRO-1589
- [KITE-687] - Provided values are not set from view URIs
- [KITE-693] - DatasetDescriptor incorrectly qualifies file:/ URIs used to open schema files
- [KITE-694] - Log4jAppender doesn't handle a null namespace correctly
- [KITE-695] - Correct incompatible schema change test
- [KITE-702] - Document changes to Hive URI to allow links to external dataset storage locations
- [KITE-704] - Fix Logj4ConfigCommand tests
- [KITE-706] - Remove @Beta annotations from Kite Crunch classes
- [KITE-710] - HBase example doesn't work after schema evolution
- [KITE-714] - Fix integration tests
- [KITE-715] - Remove the hadoop-conf and hive-conf profiles from the CDH5 app parent
- [KITE-716] - Remove instructions in the examples README for running with the hadoop-conf/hive-conf profiles
- [KITE-717] - Fix javadoc warnings for 0.17 release
- [KITE-719] - Kite 0.17.0 release notes
- [KITE-721] - kite-dataset executable can't find the main class
- [KITE-722] - In the examples the MR job history server should listen on the wildcard address
- [KITE-724] - VM configuration steps need to distinguish between universal and running from host-only
- [KITE-725] - Fix missing @since tags
- [KITE-726] - Fix minor issues in the examples documentation
- [KITE-728] - kite-data-hive doesn't produce a javadoc jar
New Feature
- [KITE-299] - Add ability to set compression codec
- [KITE-672] - Add morphline command that removes all record field values for which the field name and value matches a blacklist but not a whitelist.
- [KITE-675] - Enable javadoc with java8
- [KITE-452] - Rename kite-data-hcatalog to kite-data-hive
- [KITE-468] - View data in a Kite-created data repository using Impala
- [KITE-602] - Remove deprecated methods for 0.17.0
- [KITE-653] - Add DefaultConfiguration to avoid new Configuration calls
- [KITE-658] - Decide between URI and URL for descriptors
- [KITE-703] - Document kite-dataset transform command
- [KITE-712] - Restructure kite-tools and add dependency bundle
- [KITE-713] - Don't use DurableParquetAppender by default
- [KITE-720] - Release Kite 0.17.0
- [KITE-727] - Add CDK-605 to the release notes for 0.17.0
- [KITE-140] - Add namespaces
- [KITE-575] - Update examples to use CDH5
- [KITE-636] - Enable setting descriptor properties in CLI create command
- [KITE-637] - Add a descriptor property for HBase replication scope
- [KITE-638] - CLONE - Document setting descriptor properties in CLI create command
- [KITE-644] - Move URIBuilder to the API
- [KITE-645] - Configure gitter for public IM
- [KITE-646] - Add docs for dataset command shell variables
- [KITE-435] - Add support for partitioning by sub-field
- [KITE-598] - Remove deprecated methods from FieldPartitioner
- [KITE-604] - Make it easy to configure Flume for the clickstream example
- [KITE-605] - Remove recurring job execution from demo example
- [KITE-680] - Create basic minicluster
- [KITE-681] - Add Hive metastore service to minicluster
- [KITE-682] - Add Flume service to minicluster
- [KITE-690] - Drop -s in the minicluster CLI
- [KITE-691] - Create a downloadable bundle for the minicluster CLI
- [KITE-700] - Add HiveServer to minicluster
- [KITE-707] - Fix minicluster javadoc
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