- [KITE-372] - Fix exception consistency and use DatasetIOException
- [KITE-581] - Test against Java 8
- [KITE-742] - kite-dataset csv-import|copy|transform don't work on CDH5.2
- [KITE-750] - Fix unit tests when using JDK8
- [KITE-857] - Update repo after migrating maven content to jekyll
- [KITE-858] - CLI copy results in IncompatibleClassChangeException in Avro
- [KITE-863] - Deprecate DatasetWriter#flush and #sync
- [KITE-864] - Add Exception for bad records
- [KITE-870] - mvn site nomore works
- [KITE-871] - Expose CSVFileReader in the SPI
- [KITE-872] - Add JSON as a read-only format
- [KITE-874] - Kite CLI csv-import HDFS temp file path not multiuser safe
- [KITE-875] - Flume configuration helper should default agent to "agent"
- [KITE-882] - Fix potential divide-by-zero bug in file readers
- [KITE-883] - geoIP throws NullPointerException when IP is not found
- [KITE-888] - Improve CSV and JSON errors
- [KITE-889] - Add CSVRecordParser constructor for type, schema without view
- [KITE-895] - Incorrect Encoding of UTF8 Strings
- [KITE-897] - TestInputFormatKeyReader fails
- [KITE-904] - Remove anything deprecated in 0.17.0
- [KITE-906] - HBase tests fail with HBase 0.99
- [KITE-763] - Make csv-schema command more flexible
New Feature
- [KITE-487] - Add a tool to copy local files (or a tarball) into an Avro dataset
- [KITE-733] - Add morphline support for deleting documents stored in Solr by unique id and by query
- [KITE-737] - Add optional ability to send a commit to Solr whenever loadSolr morphline command receives a COMMIT_TRANSACTION event
- [KITE-803] - Add ability to register custom extension functions with xquery and xslt morphline commands
- [KITE-896] - Upgrade to solr-4.10.3
- [KITE-677] - Translate Hive DDL to schema for STORED AS AVRO
- [KITE-731] - Add nbactions.xml to .gitignore and rat excludes for users of Netbeans
- [KITE-751] - Update Kite-SDK Docs front page content for 0.18.0 release
- [KITE-753] - Move current guide to new organization.
- [KITE-910] - Release Kite 0.18.0
- [KITE-523] - Document advanced configuration options
- [KITE-673] - Enforce dataset name is alphanumeric (plus _) for filesystem datasets
- [KITE-730] - Make javadoc JAR workaround consistent
- [KITE-734] - Upgrade maxmind-db from version 0.3.3 to 1.0.0
- [KITE-741] - Enable Morphline job drivers to send a commit to Solr on Job success
- [KITE-770] - Improve resource cleanup for clients of SolrLocator
- [KITE-867] - Need to add a info level log to document the output file from the FileSystemWriter to help with linage
- [KITE-879] - Remove use of Jackson 1 API
- [KITE-885] - Fix writer state machine for runtime exceptions and error handling
- [KITE-188] - Add compatibility to wrap existing data sets.
- [KITE-259] - Shade Guava dependency
- [KITE-766] - Add option to specify column headers as a command line switch to the csv-schema command
- [KITE-844] - Update delete command to delete views
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