Hi i'm new with use of Cloudera and Impala.
I need to update/delete rows in my table stored as Parquet file with Hive and/or with Impala on CDH 5.4.5 .
I've created my Table with TBLPROPERTIES(transactional = true) and i've setted hive's configuration but when i try to perform update or delete with hive, i receive this error :
Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10294]: Attempt to do update or delete using transaction manager that does not support these operations.
I know that Hive supports UPDATE/DELETE only for version 0.14.0 and later and only with ORC File . It's correct or I can use Parquet File to achieve my target?
But then can Impala read/write this type file?
Thank you for the replies.