The diagram would plot multiple tables (Vertices) and the relationship (Edges) between their columns as a graph. It would show the foreign keys and the table & column that it references. Foreign key constraints could be shown as links.
Patch set #1: DONE
- Create base erd-component and all sub components for table & literal entities
- Define the structure of props passed into the component
- Create entity interfaces and individual entity classes
- Processor function: To visualize the ERD in a more human-readable form - Entities will be grouped based on it's level (Distance from root entity) in the relationship graph.
- Add web-component wrapper
- Use the component in table browser knockout template
- Add click interaction for table entity - On clicking a table user must be taken to the respective table's relations page
Patch set #2: DONE
- Limit number of columns to 10, remaining will be grouped to one dummy column
- Links to/from grouped columns if any, must be connected to the dummy column
- Add ellipsis for very long table and column names
- Primary key and foreign key columns must be shown at the top
Patch set #3: HUE-9412: DONE
- Add unit tests
Patch set #4 : HUE-9414 : DONE
- Publish the component to NPM
Patch set #5: DONE
- Replace Relationships tab with ERD. Display the relationship count.
Patch set #6: DONE
- User must be redirected only on clicking the table name and not the complete table component
- Current table box shouldn't be clickable
- Column names selectable
Patch set #7 & #8 : DONE
- Hide DB name for tables on the same DB as the main table
Patch set #9: Add event listeners for all entities: DONE
- Add an arrow from the FK to the PK -
Issue Links
[ui] Add tests for ERD component |
Resolved | Sreenath |
[ui] Publish ERD component to NPM |
Resolved | Sreenath |